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Positioning Miami/Ottawa County For Growth


The purpose of this Economic Development Action Plan is to position Miami, OK, and the surrounding communities in Ottawa County for economic growth consisting of new jobs, new capital investment, new and upgraded housing, and a broadened tax base.


The three pillars of success -- Business Attraction, Business Retention & Expansion, and Entrepreneurship – are achieved by pursuing five primary goals with 22 tactics, and eight “game changers” accompanied by a set of metrics to measure and evaluate the results of the work of the Miami Area Economic Development Service, Inc. This report contains an extensive set of “game changers” which are attainable over time with the cooperative engagement of all partners.


The term of this Economic Development Action Plan is to be pursued for the next three years (2024-2026). Forecasting beyond that period is difficult due to the fast-changing factors facing today’s business world, but there is no conceivable reason this cannot be a working document for the next decade, with the possibility of making updates and adjustments along the way.

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