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Making Our Region Attractive To Investors

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Goal #1 – Pursue the attraction of new primary jobs to Miami, OK, and the surrounding region.

  • Designate a “point person” for economic development. While the mayor, a county commissioner, the city manager, representatives from local utility companies, and others make up the “Economic Development Team,” there should be a specific “point person” who facilitates the activities and the process. Because many consultants work under strict non-disclosure agreements with their clients, they are reluctant to work in city halls and/or county courthouses. It is recommended that the "point person" be the President/CEO of the Miami Area Economic Development Service, Inc. Action Step Owner: All.

  • Create a target business list based on the region’s attributes and focus marketing efforts on those businesses. Action Step Owner: MAEDS.

  • Identify the owners/controllers of any industrial/business property in the area and make sure there is current signage in place indicating a contact for transactions regarding the property. Action Step Owner: MAEDS.

  • Having successfully filled the spec building in Progress Industrial Park, it is recommended that planning for an additional spec building(s) begin immediately. Action Step Owner: MAEDS, the City of Miami, and the Miami Industrial Development Authority.


Goal #2 – Recruit new retail businesses to Miami, OK, and the surrounding region.

  • Create a “fact sheet” on all potential retail development sites and vacant buildings in the area. Include site ownership, status for marketing, traffic counts, location data, and any incentives available. The “fact sheet” should also contain all information that would be of value to a developer and his/her investors (traffic counts, household incomes, etc.) Action Step Owner: MAEDS.

  • Conduct online surveys of residents to assist in determining retail business targets. Maintain an ongoing survey on the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce website to find out the types of retail residents prefer and they are driving long distances to find. Action Step Owner: MAEDS and the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce.

  • Join ICSC (Innovating Commerce Serving Communities – formerly International Council of Shopping Centers). Register and participate in the ICSC Red River Show held in Fort Worth every year. The MAEDS President/CEO, as well as the chamber CEO, should attend and bring survey results as well as demographic, building, and site information. Action Step Owner: MAEDS, the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce and the City of Miami.


Goal #3 – Create an extensive marketing plan that supports and achieves the actions of this economic development strategy and the surrounding region.

  • Conduct a branding and communications audit to develop a common "look" for Miami, Ottawa County, and the region. Create a "brand" for the region. All websites and/or promotional advertising reached by a potential customer should have a common look. Action Step Owner: MAEDS in cooperation with the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce, the City of Miami, and Ottawa County. Involvement from the local school system and NEO A&M would be helpful.

  • Invest in attractive, readable wayfinding signage to help visitors find city hall, the county courthouse, the visitors' center, MAEDS office, the Coleman Theatre, and other community attractions. Action Step Owner: The City of Miami.

  • Create a social media strategy encompassing all economic development partners. Action Step Owner: MAEDS, the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Miami.

  • Benchmark with other successful programs and communities. Action Step Owner: MAEDS, the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Miami.

  • Link all city and chamber websites from communities in the region. Portray a common message. Action Step Owner: MAEDS, the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Miami.

  • Become an active member in MOKAN, a regional economic development group marketing the “four corners” region. Action Step Owner: MAEDS.

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©2023 by Miami Area Economic Development Service, Inc.

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